About this blog

I feel this blog as a reflection of my thoughts to myself , and sometimes as a public diary, and the is my only friend to share my thoughts who says never a "oh no! ,you shouldn't....That is boring...."

baby's growth month-by-month Physical Growth: Gestures and Movements: Social and Emotional:

Tracking a baby's growth month-by-month can help you understand their development and ensure they are meeting typical milestones. Here are common signs and gestures you might expect from birth to one year:

1 Month

  • Physical Growth: Slight weight gain, increasing head control.
  • Gestures and Movements: Reflexive movements (e.g., grasping), limited head control.
  • Social and Emotional: Recognizes parent’s voice, may start to smile.

2 Months

  • Physical Growth: Increased weight and length.
  • Gestures and Movements: Starts to lift head and push up when on tummy.
  • Social and Emotional: Begins to smile at people, can briefly calm themselves.

3 Months

  • Physical Growth: Continued steady growth in height and weight.
  • Gestures and Movements: Improved head control, opens and shuts hands, brings hands to mouth.
  • Social and Emotional: Smiles spontaneously, enjoys playing with people.

4 Months

  • Physical Growth: Noticeable growth in length and weight.
  • Gestures and Movements: Rolls from tummy to back, holds head steady, reaches for toys.
  • Social and Emotional: Laughs out loud, shows excitement.

5 Months

  • Physical Growth: Continues steady growth.
  • Gestures and Movements: Begins to sit with support, rocks back and forth.
  • Social and Emotional: Recognizes familiar faces, shows emotions like happiness or discomfort.

6 Months

  • Physical Growth: Growth rate may slow a bit.
  • Gestures and Movements: Rolls over in both directions, starts to sit without support.
  • Social and Emotional: Enjoys playing with others, especially parents, responds to own name.

7 Months

  • Physical Growth: Continues growing steadily.
  • Gestures and Movements: Transfers objects from one hand to the other, starts crawling.
  • Social and Emotional: Shows fear of strangers, responds to expressions of emotion.

8 Months

  • Physical Growth: Growth continues.
  • Gestures and Movements: Stands while holding on, sits without support.
  • Social and Emotional: Develops stranger anxiety, enjoys social play.

9 Months

  • Physical Growth: Steady growth.
  • Gestures and Movements: Pulls to stand, crawls well.
  • Social and Emotional: Uses fingers to point at things, understands "no."

10 Months

  • Physical Growth: Growth continues at a steady pace.
  • Gestures and Movements: Stands with support, begins to cruise (walking holding onto furniture).
  • Social and Emotional: Waves "bye-bye," enjoys imitating sounds and gestures.

11 Months

  • Physical Growth: Ongoing growth in height and weight.
  • Gestures and Movements: May stand alone, starts to take steps without holding on.
  • Social and Emotional: Has favorite toys, shows strong attachment to caregivers.

12 Months

  • Physical Growth: Growth continues, but rate may slow.
  • Gestures and Movements: May walk independently, drinks from a cup.
  • Social and Emotional: Shows preference for certain people and toys, repeats sounds or actions for attention.

Remember that each child is unique and may reach these milestones at their own pace. If you have concerns about your baby’s development, it’s always best to consult with a pediatrician

A probability question on Sudoku Grid

 What is the probability that given n trials to fill the numbers in Sudoku grid how many(X) valid numbers will filled at the end ?

What is the probability distribution for the random variable X ?